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BOC Group

BOC Group is located in Vienna (Austria) and works on solutions related to Business Consultancy in the context of IT & Computing

BOC was founded as a spin-off of the University Vienna, Department of Knowledge Engineering, in 1995. Today it has more than 250 employees in a network consisting of nine units, where operational units are located in Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Athens, Dublin, Warsaw, Winterthur and Paris, whereas the headquarter, software and research units are located in Vienna.

BOC is a leading software development house and a consultant in the field of IT-supported management approaches. The main business field and its origin is Business Process Management with the toolkit ADONIS®. Today BOC offers commercial modelling tools for strategy management (ADOscore®), business process management (ADONIS®), logistics (ADOlog®) and IT-infrastructure and IT-architecture management (ADOit®).

The core competence beside the consultant services is the development/implementation of modelling tools based upon BOC’s ADOxx Meta-Modelling platform (accessible online at As the business process management toolkit ADONIS® was one of the first commercial toolkits built using meta-modelling concepts and technologies, BOC gained technological leadership in this market and published the open use platform Also, BOC is very active in national and international research projects: