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Digital twins for manufacturing process


Production Factories are experiencing a transformation in terms of the holistic consideration of the manufacturing process. This transformation goes beyond the automation of the manufacturing lines, the optimization of the internal and external logistics, or the minimization of maintenance dependencies. This transformation is about enabling connectivity; connectivity of devices, of processes, of departments, of production phases, of stakeholders, aiming to build a network of events, where descriptions, process states, and know-how can be represented and reasoned. This network of events is what makes a factory, the Augmented Factory. There are many technological aspects behind the Augmented Factory; from consolidation of data, over software and hardware support, to training and development of personnel. Nevertheless, the discussions in this document will henceforward focus on the software challenges behind the Augmented Factory.


This transformation is about enabling connectivity; connectivity of devices, of processes, of departments, of production phases, of stakeholders, aiming to build a network of events, where descriptions, process states, and know-how are represented.


Digital Twins support the decision-making of machine- and human-driven workflows by means of correlating real-time process data acquired from the physical and the cyber world. Digital Twins synergizes the physical and the cyber world, enabling interpretations, alignments, and liaisons between the different descripting conceptions and perceptions especially characterized and categorized within their own settings.

Created by sps 9 months, 3 weeks ago (last activity 9 months, 3 weeks ago) and viewed 495 times

Match related to Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of Manufacturing

Modular Digital Twins for manufacturing processes

A Digital Twin comprises all purposes represented by the attribute and behavior information; in this context, a purpose is represented in a tuple referencing Data, Model, and Algorithm.

Proposed by change2twin 9 months, 3 weeks ago (last modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago)